Monday, May 16, 2011

making changes

You may have noticed that I have been playing around with the design of the blog, and doing a little organizing.  Yes, I know, I have better things I could be doing.  But organizing is a bit of a compulsion for me so when I see things in disarray I just can't help but put it to rights.

In doing this I have categorized all the previous posts into the tabs at the top, so that if you are interested solely in the house construction the related posts are all sorted into one spot.  This also allows for me to collect some tutorials and DIY projects together in the "made with love" category.

Anyways, all this to apologize for the Standard Magazine post re-posting itself today for no apparent reason.  Very mysterious.

I can't post without including a picture
Let me know if you like the changes... I have to say it is feeling much more like "me" these days!

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